Stack of clothes on a green chair in a light room. Home space organization, spring cleaning and decluttering


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My name is Erin. I discovered my passion for helping people declutter and organize when a friend needed help getting her house ready to sell. We spent hours making decluttering decisions and arranging her space to look calm and appealing to buyers while also being functional as she continued to live in her home. She was happy with the results, and I had found my calling. Since then, I have become a Certified Organizational Specialist. I am passionate about helping people experience the freedom of living in a stress-free, clutter-free, well organized home environment. I want to help you bring order to your home so you can spend less time and energy managing your things and more time and energy relaxing and doing what is important to you.


Less mess words on wooden blocks.

Power Hour In-Home Consultation & Training Intensive

This is where your journey to a clutter-free, organized home begins. During this packed hour, I will teach you how to identify thirteen different types of clutter and how to overcome those mental obstacles that get us stuck. We will identify your unique organizational style and the style of those you live with so we can come up with a strategy to organize in a way that will be functional and easy to maintain for everyone. I’ll make suggestions for your unique space and I can also recommend which tools would work well for you and help you create a shopping list.

Declutter Coaching

Before we can organize anything, we need to strive to identify and reach your inventory threshold. This is the amount of things, in your current stage of life, you can manage without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. As we begin the process of decluttering your home. I will coach you through this process to make it as stress-free as possible. I will not pressure you to let go of anything you aren’t ready to. You have total control over what stays and leaves your home. Sometimes decluttering just involves relocating things you want to keep to more long term storage areas rather than in your daily living space. Once you feel confident making decisions, I can either help you power through, or you can commit to working independently before our organization session.

Donating Decluttering And Cleaning Up Wardrobe

Custom Organizing

Once we have reduced inventory to a manageable level, we will organize your things in a way that works for you and your family. We will create systems that make it just as easy to put away as it is to put down so your home is easy to maintain. During this step, we can work together, or you can relax while I organize your space for you.

Before I leave you with your beautifully organized space, I will give you tips to help you keep it that way.

Organized Shelves


Power Hour

In-Home Consultation & Training Intensive

$75 or Free!

When you purchase a package, your power hour is included for free. If you would just like to book the 1 hour in-home consultation and training, it is just $75. If, after the Power-Hour, you decide to book a package, that fee will be applied to your package.

(All fees due on first day of service)

Client consulting with a agent


Top view modern housewife tidying up kitchen cupboard during general cleaning or tidying up

Packages are sold in blocks of time, whether we are decluttering or organizing. Sessions can be spread out over time but must be used within one year. For example, you may choose to purchase 24 hours and schedule four separate six-hour sessions.

3 hours - $149

6 hours - $285

12 hours - $540

Add-on hours - $45/hr


Can I do my Power-Hour the same day we start decluttering and organizing?

Yes, we can do that if we are working with limited scheduling options. The advantage of scheduling your consultation prior to our declutter session is so we can measure and purchase any tools that we will need to organize your space.

Can I just have you come organize my things? I don’t want to get rid of anything?

Yes. If you primarily want me to organize, we can skip the decluttering session. However, most people’s clutter problems are due to too much inventory for a defined space. The best way to make everything organized in a way that will be easy to maintain is to reduce inventory to a manageable level.

Can I stop after the Decluttering session?

Of coarse! This is your time. If you are confident in the organization department but have trouble making decluttering decisions, we can just focus on that. We will tailor our time to what YOU want to accomplish!

Before & After

Before & After

Before & After

Before & After

Tips & Tricks

The biggest key to having an organized and tidy home is having the right mindset. Do you believe that a tidy home will improve your quality of life? Yes? Then every effort great and small helps. Sometimes we feel paralyzed because there’s just too much to do and we feel overwhelmed.

Tip #1 Five minutes matters!

It’s not an all or nothing job. You can make improvement in five minutes. Set a timer and get busy! Throw away trash and put things away that already have a home.

Tip #2 Aim for improvement not perfection!

Sometimes we fail to do anything because we don’t have time to make it perfect. Embrace the philosophy that a little improvement is better than none at all.

Hands Holding Toys

Tip #3 Hack your brain!

Listen to the people with the mindset you want and you will automatically start thinking like they do. Listen to podcasts or YouTube videos about decluttering while you work.

Tip #4 Shoot for momentum not motivation!

If we wait until we feel motivated, we will rarely do anything. Once in motion, objects (people) tend to stay in motion. Give yourself a push on the pedal. Just get started. Action often leads to motivation.

Spanish young adult woman listening to podcast

Tip #5 Make a plan. Execute the plan!

Schedule decluttering and tidying into your daily and weekly routine. Just like taking out the trash, grocery shopping, and laundry, removing items from your home and putting things away should be part of your regular routine.

Tip #6 Find a Declutter Buddy!

Find a friend who wants to get their home decluttered and organized and set a time to work together, either at each other’s houses or while on the phone or video call.

Crop woman writing down notes in diary

Tip #7 Learn your Organization Style!

Not everyone organizes the same. Do you like things visual or hidden? Do you like macro or micro categories? What actually works for you? Take the quiz at Clutterbug.

Tip #8 Make your own Before and After Portfolio!

Who doesn’t love the satisfaction of a good before and after?! Start by taking before pictures of every space in your home. And I mean drawers and cupboards too. Keep them in a folder wherever you store your photos. Make a goal of pairing an “after” photo with each “before”!

Pantry Organization
Cup of delicious coffee with froth on breakfast in cafeteria

Tip #9 Join an on-line community!

Joining a decluttering Facebook group will help you feel like you’re not the only one who struggles with keeping your home clutter free. A helpful community will cheer you on and inspire you to keep going.

Tip #10 Give yourself a reward incentive!

Set a realistic goal for yourself and when you’ve accomplished it - treat yourself! Celebrate your victories! You might set a goal to spend 15 minutes a day for five days decluttering and organizing. At the end, treat yourself to a fancy coffee drink or whatever floats your boat.

Contact Information

Olive Branch Declutter Coaching & Home Organizing, LLC serves the Northwest Arkansas and Southern Missouri area.

Email me:

Call or text me: 479-259-1376

Send a message through a trained homing pigeon

Behind the Name

In the story of the great flood in the Bible, when the flood waters had subsided over the earth, Noah sent out a dove, which returned to him with an olive branch in its mouth. This meant that life had begun to grow again. It became the symbol of the promise of rebirth, a new beginning of a world that would be transformed from chaos to order.

This is what I want for each client I serve; to bring order out of chaos. I want you to experience shalom for your home. This Hebrew word, in its most ancient pictographic form, literally means, “the destruction of the power that establishes chaos.” Intentional Peace. I want to help you identify any mindset that has been holding you back from experiencing order and shalom in your home.

Dove with twig icon